Pipe with or without filter.

You wish to smoke a pipe and you're wondering whether to use a filter or not. Let's take a look at the filter's usefulness, and we'll focus on the 9mm or 6mm activated charcoal filter, which is the most widely used.

What are the advantages of an activated carbon filter?

The filter's essential role is to filter the nicotine and tars produced by tobacco combustion. While it doesn't filter out everything, it does significantly reduce the passage of these substances through the body.

The filter absorbs humidity, thus alleviating one of the problems frequently encountered by novice smokers.

The 9mm filter also softens the smoke. I sometimes hear the question of a "stinging" tongue. This reaction can be caused by certain tobaccos, or by an inappropriate smoking style, or simply by a chemical reaction in the mouth (known as saliva PH). One way to overcome this problem is to smoke with a 9mm filter.

9mm Filter for tobacco pipes

But ...

However, you have to accept that the filter may cause the tobacco to lose a little of its flavour: and I do mean "a little".

Also, as the filter is in the way of the smoke, you'll have to pull slightly more to feed the combustion, as the risk is to heat up the pipe.

Finally, and this is important, you need to change the filter after each smoke (or 2 at the most if you're trying to save money). I won't tell you the story of the gentleman I was drinking coffee with, who extolled the virtues of his pipe and tobacco and who, he confessed to me after a moment's exchange, changed his filter every ....5 pipes smoked !!!! Was he still able to enjoy his tobacco? I doubt it...

On this subject, I'm always surprised to see one of my esteemed colleagues recommend "every 3 or 4 pipes maximum". I therefore invite you to smoke an empty pipe (without tobacco) fitted with a filter that has been used once or twice, the filter will give off a damp, cold tobacco taste: I don't even want to imagine what it would be like after 4 pipes...

The other filters.

Last but not least, you'll find

- meerschaum filters: same principle, but the activated carbon is replaced by meerschaum fragments: efficiency is the same.

- balsa filters (Savinelli): these filters are triangular in shape, so they don't completely fill the smoke passage. They are therefore less effective.

Last but not least, metal filters are the most controversial: their filtration quality is virtually non-existent. What's more, the often very "tormented" shapes of these filters cause turbulence in the passage of smoke, resulting in condensation (humidity). They also obstruct the passage of smoke, making draught more difficult. And last but not least, they are not easy to clean. That's why we advise you to remove them altogether, but of course you're free to decide whether or not to do so.

Metal filters for tobacco pipe.

And as every question needs an answer, I think that depending on your priorities, such as health, you'll find an answer in these few lines. Personally, I've been smoking a pipe for 20 years, and always with a filter. 

If you hesitate, you can always buy a pipe with a filter, knowing that it can also be smoked without a filter. By trying the 2 methods, you'll be able to make your choice.

The only thing that counts is the pleasure you'll get ... with or without a filter!

For more information, please contact me by phone or e-mail, and I'll be happy to answer your questions.

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