Savinelli offers us a slender shape with this pipe.
Of course, the pipe is designed to resemble a tiger's stripes, hence the name.
The bowl's thick walls protect the pipe from excessive heat.
The bowl is coating.
This pipe can be smoked with or without a 9mm filter.
Fumerchic's advice: we're often asked about changing filters. If you want to enjoy your favorite tobacco, we strongly advise you to change the filter every time. This is because the filter is loaded with tar and moisture during smoking. A filter smoked 2 times will release the mixed taste of tar and moisture, and the flavor of your tobacco will be modified and unpleasant. A beginner may not be able to tell the difference, but it's a good idea to establish good habits right from the start...
With Fumerchic the pipe you see (vidéo) is the pipe you receive !